Lakeview Baptist Church


Youth Blog

Keep up with the Youth at Lakeview and get helpful tips on Christian Living!

Aaron Butner is Lakeview's Youth Director.

He and his wife, Sarah, have been at Lakeview for 3 years. They live in Easley, SC.

You can email him here or call him at 864.361.0893

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  • May2Wed

    Does Fame = Happiness?

    May 2, 2012
    Imagine you could have ANYTHING you want. You could have all the money you would ever need, drive the flashiest car ever made and be loved and adored by EVERYONE. If you had all of those things, it would be safe to say you would be FAMOUS.

    In school, how many folk are out to be popular? Think about it... Does popularity, fame or fortune bring happiness?

    Absolutely not.

    In Luke 18 the Bible says a "rich, young ruler" (a famous guy) comes to Jesus to ask about how to get into the Kingdom - Jesus tells him to toss his FORTUNE (and most likely his fame and popularity) to the side for the benefits of others (the poor) and THEN he could follow Him.

    Mr. Popular left Jesus weeping because he wouldn't give up his fame and fortune for Jesus' Kingdom. He left sad, yet still a slave to the world.

    Is the world worth losing your soul? Is fame and popularity, along with fortune, worth an eternity of perishing? Are you willing to leave and forsake ALL to follow Jesus?

    Being satisfied in Jesus... Now that EQUALS happiness. Don't be fooled; God will not be mocked.


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