Don't forget guys... (and gals... you know what I mean), that we are spending Sunday School aka Sunday Morning Bible Study studying the book of Galatians! Ah, Paul's writing to the State of Galatia - remember, it wasn't just a town!
Paul begins to BASH those (RIGHT OFF THE BAT) who twist and pervert the Gospel... There is a LOT of that going on today, especially in Anderson, Pickens and Greenville county! Some will add to the Gospel (aka Legalism - a term I am not fond of... God DOES DEMAND holy living, FYI) and others will subtract from the Gospel (aka Liberalism/Modernism/Gnosticism - "Come as you are; leave as you were").
What is the Gospel? CLICK HERE!
So what does Paul say to the church about the Gospel, Christ-centered living and the Church? What does the book of Galatians mean to YOU?
Find out every Sunday morning at 10 AM! :)
Love ya!
(864) 361-0893
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