At Lakeview Baptist Church we want to stand firm on God's Word - not man's opinion or the latest "religious" fad. Now young person, while someone may say to you, "Yes, I believe in the Word of God!" that may not be entirely accurate!
Can you approach that person (whether it is another teen, teacher, preacher, etc.) with the Word of God when questioning something they teach? Is what they are teaching Biblical, hinging on Christ and not an emotionally-charged "live God because it benefits you" message?
I say all that to get to this point - Here is a great quote our Pastor emailed me just a short while ago:
Veracity – This is the more crucial quality. Without this your preaching is not faithful. It may attract a crowd. It may win you applause. But it will not be good. Christian preaching must first of all be true–true to the text, true to the whole counsel of God, true in whatever else you say or cite. A seminary student or lay elder or new pastor may not be the most comfortable or the most gifted behind the pulpit, but so long as he says what is true and biblical, God can use that preaching.
At Lakeview, we promise to be honest with you from God's Word. Teen, being honest hurts sometimes - but it doesn't mean we don't love you... In fact it is PROOF that we do love you more than you can imagine; we are watching out for your soul.
Are you obedient to God's Word? There you will find Christ and He will show you the path to salvation in Him!
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