The Importance of Sunday School in the 21st Century Church
Where were you?
Why is it so difficult to convince people, young and old alike, to come be a part of Sunday School? Why do Christian folk seem to get offended over being questioned about attending Sunday School? I don’t like it when people beat around the bush with me, so let’s just cut to the chase…
There is a 50% chance that you (Yeah, YOU) probably did not attend Sunday School this morning… Why did you skip out on studying and learning about God’s Word this morning? I’m sure you can come up with a great excuse – I’ve heard some good ones! They sound kind of like this:
“I need my rest; Sunday is the only day I have to sleep in!”
“10 AM is WAY to early to start my church day!”
“The teacher is boring.”
“Last time I checked, ‘Sunday School’ is not in the Bible!”
Allow me to reiterate that Sunday School is an avenue by which the church promotes biblical literacy. This isn’t hard to grasp – Sunday School is a GREAT place to learn about God’s Word. Let’s take a quiz:
- What are the first 5 books of the Bible?
- What are the 10 Commandments?
- Name the 12 Disciples.
- Did Jesus really have to die and be resurrected for our salvation? Why?
Sunday School is an environment where you can ask any question about the Bible without fear of judgment. It’s a place where you can learn more about the depths of the truth of God while being provided with the opportunity to grow in grace! Why would any believer want to pass up a chance to learn more about God?!? Here’s your chance to gain more knowledge about Jesus Christ, your Savior!!!
So let’s get to the heart of the matter – Why do people, Christians, skip Sunday School? I’ve come up with a few reasons. (If you disagree or have more, please let me know!)
Either they think it’s not important, not relevant to the Christian of today, or they think that they have the Christian life figured out. If we were honest, I believe people simply care more about themselves, their desires and needs, more than they do about learning more about God. Don’t be fooled, Christian – you and I don’t have God figured out. Therefore, you need Sunday School… but the American Christian (the believer of today) doesn’t think so.
Psalm 73:7 may best explain the “American Christian” today. It says, “Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.” Whatever they want, whether it be cars, fashion or fun, they get. They spend their lives on what they think is important – themselves. God’s name is used to mask their selfish purchases and pursuits. When another vacation is taken or another vehicle or game is purchased, they proclaim, “Look how God has blessed me!” The “American Christian” does what is in his or her own best interest… which includes skipping out on Sunday School each and every weekend.
We can arrive at a conclusion. Why do people, Christians in America, skip and neglect Sunday School? Because their hearts are set on this world and her corruptible treasures. Because they’ve become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
I don’t like to be confrontational, but I believe the actions of the absent should be addressed. Before you get upset with me for publishing such a scathing review of our current Christian culture, please ponder this question:
Do you think God cares about Sunday School?
May we all examine our hearts, weighing our desires, so that we may be found blameless before the King!
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