Here is the first article from the series on WHY Sunday School is important. It is our hope that these articles (that are in the church bulletin each week) will stir those in the congregation to consider becoming more involved in this outreach and discpling tool.
The Importance of Sunday School in the 21st Century Church
In the beginning…
One of the most profitable and influential ministries in the church over the last 200 years is slowing dying. What ministry is that? Sunday School.
There is a good chance that within the next few years we could see Sunday School lost to the pages of history… but why? Maybe we should ask a different question. Should we ALLOW it to disappear? Should we ALLOW it go?
Church members’ lack of attendance and general apathy towards this once great outreach tool has resulted in its slow decay. Those are the cold, hard facts. We will begin to explore the reasons why attendance and apathy reign in our morning Bible study, but first we will examine its origin.
Many historians believe Robert Raikes, a layman in the Anglican church of England, initiated the first “Sunday School” as an outreach to delinquent boys in Gloucester, England in 1780. That July, Robert began instructing the young men according to God’s Word – first teaching them how to read and second how to live. Later, young girls were invited as well and by 1831, it is estimated that approximately 1.25 million young people were enrolled in Sunday School across England. That accounted for 25% of the current population!
The idea of using Sunday School to reach young people spread with the influx of missionaries leaving England and going around the world. It wasn’t long before American churches also included Sunday School as a part of their services as well.
With time, Sunday School evolved to include “Adult Sunday School.” What is “Adult Sunday School?” Today’s Sunday School is an extended and in-depth study of the Word of God in a small group setting that is needful in addition to the normal corporate worship times. While over the last half of the 20th Century great results were yielded from this form of Bible study and evangelistic outreach, today the decline is evident. Where has the passion for the study of God’s Word gone?
We will explore this in more detail in the weeks to come!
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Cell: 864.361.0893